Broker Back

Office System

Broker Back Providing End-to-end Capital Market Solutions, Risk Management, Bills and Bonds Management, Trading & Finance Management Systems.

Broker Back- Office System

Automate Capital Market business & management bodies with fast working systems and web solutions. Our Broker Back Office System is a comprehensive suite of brokerage management, investment banks & financial asset providers. Day-to-day operations vouchsafe a complete track of every transaction. Choose the module and mix in accordance with your business needs. 

Branch & Dealer Management Systems

Caters full life-cycle of clients, branches, and dealers. Client contract & custody notes can be generated individually, results in solution interfacing.

Financial Reporting Toolkit

Generate your personalized financial toolkit to cater easily to financial planning and reporting with better exchange offerings from day-to-day progress.

Automated Integrated Solutions

Seamless automated integration of general ledger, custody management, and other solutions enables swift management of brokerage solutions. 

Multi-Currency & Venue Trading

Brings you a ravishing retail experience with a flexible multi-currency & venue trading platform

Order & Trade Management

Keep the track of all order placements, efficient reporting back, and trade. Reduce the hassle of keeping the inventory stock-up and focus on your core business growth. 

Quick Data Accessibility

Multi-Level Reporting and centralized data access at all levels to respective bodies. Alleviates the hassle of chasing data & reports while dealing with multiple clients

Smart, Scalable, Robust Broker Back-Office Management System

Backbone for Brokerage Businesses

Trading with NKU's Brokerage Back-Office Management system is a thumb away. The integrated and robust architecture covers key areas of trade from smart order management and settlement, security management system and markets interfacing. 

Broker Office Architecture

Benefits of Broker Back Office System

Broker Back Office System is a brokerage management solution. It is designed to empower and digitalize Capital Market. Before, it was never easy to equip with confidence and efficiency in the nick of time. 

It is your one-stop for high performance in Capital Market, Financing & Trade Management, Risk & Equity Management, and much more. 

STP Key Modules

Back Office Modules


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Learn how Back Office can simplify your multi-currency trading, financing, & Capital Marketing wider customized and digitalized system and making things efficient for all players involved.

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